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Food Art For Thought

I’m currently on the move. From Temple campus, I’m branching out closer to the heart of Philadelphia. In the South Philly apartment that I will be moving into shortly, there are huge blank walls in the kitchen calling for art. I’m a foodie, so I want to fill the spaces with delicious pieces. Trendland just featured an artist Sara Zin’s food illustrations.

Illustration by Sara Zin via Trendland.com

Zin inspired me because her drawings are accurate but so lively and vibrant. The best part is these illustrations of her favorite foods, titled Starving Artist Recipes, are accompanied by recipes. On her Tumblr page for the project she says, “I look back and realize how cooking simple and satisfying meals, taught me how to manage the many challenges and anxieties that are a part of growing up.”

Blueberry Pie illustration (and recipe!) from Sara Zin's Tumblr https://starvingartistbook.tumblr.com/

Zin’s illustrations are, in a word, happy. She approaches the project as a helpful tool for younger versions of herself looking for advice. On her Tumblr page she says, “While I’m no celebrity chef, my goad for the blog is sincere – to share the recipes (and personal insight) I wish I knew when I was younger, to whomever is interested.” Zatista artists have also showed their interest in food as inspiration.

Oil & Vinegar by Joel Degrand on Zatista.com

This piece from Joel Degrand, “Oil & Vinegar” would be perfect in a kitchen. It’s a simple subject with an abstract adaptation. This is part of a series from Degrand made by manipulation food and drink photos. The whimsy of the bottles and liquids is something to inspire you while you cook.

A Whole Lotta Red by Barbara Andolsek on Zatista.com

Barbara Andolsek created “A Whole Lotta Red” which implores you to decide what fruit or vegetable inspired it – strawberries or tomatoes. I fall on the tomato side, but the debate can live on in your kitchen. The warm, fresh look of this painting begs you to cook. It’s a great piece to have above your countertop while you chop away.

Peeled by Stephanie Berry on Zatista.com

“Peeled” is an oil painting by Stephanie Berry. Just one of her many images of food, this orange happens to be my favorite. It has the curl you can never quite get from the skin and a perfectly plump citrus inside. The color is simple, but elegant. It would make a great piece for those who cook to be calm and relax.

Strawberries In Milk by Faith Lefever on Zatista.com

“Strawberries In Milk” is a piece by Faith Lefever that I’ve always loved. It reminds me that even though I’m growing up, I can still enjoy the pleasures of being a kid. The playful tone and contrasting colors are perfect to pour a wave of nostalgia over you. I just want to put on the dance music, bake a cake and invite my roommates to eat the left over icing with me.

Get inspired. Cooking is a blast and it’s even better when you love where you cook. Your kitchen should make you want to conjure up a quiche or bake a cake. The art you put up will help you warm the room to the atmosphere you need to enjoy making dinner every night, so get cooking!


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